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Friday, January 23, 2015

Upcoming Work Days...

Call for Volunteers on three different workdays! All of these days will be benefiting the rookery islands that nesting birds use, however not every workday will include a boat ride to the islands. Please read through each workday description to identify what activity we will be doing and how many people we are requesting.  We are utilizing our online registration system for all three events so if you are interested in attending more than one day, please register separately for each day so your information is captured properly. The registration system will tell you if the spaces are full, however you may be placed on a waiting list if there are no spaces available.  For each person who registers (including their email and phone number) we will send out a follow up email with a map to the site and more specific instructions if need be.  The phone number you provide will be the number we call if we need to cancel a workday due to bad weather, which could be a few hours before the workday the morning of or the night before, so please include a cell phone if possible. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email

NRG Ecocenter Work Day  Monday, February 2nd- We’ll need 5 people to help pull plants (marsh grass) at the NRG Ecocenter in Baytown. It’s muddy, wet, stinky work pulling marsh grass and putting it in buckets to be transplanted to the island.  Be at the Ecocenter for 9:30 am and we will end around 12pm. Bring weather appropriate clothing, boots or shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. We will have gloves, shovels, and other tools.

CLICK HERE to Register On-line

West Bay Bird Island Work Day Tuesday, February 3rd- We’ll be planting on West Bay Bird Island in San Luis Pass.  You will have to cross the toll bridge for $2. We’re limited to 10 volunteers to plant due to boat size. We need to be at the ramp at San Luis Pass County Park at 9:30 am and we will end around 1pm or shortly after.  We can organize a carpool from the Texas City Prairie Preserve for those interested. Bring a lunchweather appropriate clothing, rubber boots in your have them, and a dry set of clothes for the ride home!

CLICK HERE to Register On-line

Rollover Pass Work Day  Friday, February 6th- We need 5 people to help plant shrubs, pick up trash, and put up signs on the Rollover Pass Islands.  Rollover is quite a trip, you have to cross the Bolivar ferry.  We have a few spaces in our truck to carpool (3- only spaces available). We will be leaving TCCP about 8 am and arriving at the Rollover ramp at about 10 am and work until 1pm or 2pm.  Bring a lunch weather appropriate clothing, rubber boots in your have them, and a dry set of clothes for the ride home! The ramp is very primitive- there is one port-a-potty and not much else.  Bolivar is very rural, but there are a few gas stations we can stop at (and we normally hit the bathrooms right by the ferry as we get over there).

CLICK HERE to Register On-line 


Amanda Hackney
Audubon Texas Coastal Program Manager
4702 Hwy 146 N
Texas City, TX   77590
Office: 409-941-9114 ex 100

Cell: 936-554-9033