Lineup of Fall Programs & Activities…
Beginning this September, Audubon TERN is entering our second year of citizen science projects focusing on bird monitoring & surveys, habitat restoration, environmental conservation and much more. With so many volunteer opportunities to choose from, we wanted to present our complete lineup of programs and activities through December 2015.
We will continue to update this information with email announcements and regular posts to our website ( You can also check out our calendar of events for a complete listing of programs & activities.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us.
Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext.104
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext.104
Welcome Ben…
Our first important announcement is that Kari Howard gave birth to her new baby boy, Ben Garrett Howard, on September 5th. Ben weighed in at 8lbs 9oz. Both mom and baby are doing well. Congratulations Kari!!!
Welcome Rebecca…
We want to extend a warm welcome to our new temporary TERN Coordinator Rebecca Bracken. She will be taking over the TERN program while Kari takes a leave of absence through the end of the year. Please feel free to reach out and welcome Rebecca as she takes on numerous responsibilities within the TERN program.
We want to extend a warm welcome to our new temporary TERN Coordinator Rebecca Bracken. She will be taking over the TERN program while Kari takes a leave of absence through the end of the year. Please feel free to reach out and welcome Rebecca as she takes on numerous responsibilities within the TERN program.
Please contact Rebecca with questions/comments.
Rebecca Bracken, AT Program Associate
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext.104
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext.104
Monthly Sweetwater/GISP Surveys…
It’s time once again for our monthly bird surveys at both GBF’s Sweetwater property and the Galveston Island State Park.
It’s time once again for our monthly bird surveys at both GBF’s Sweetwater property and the Galveston Island State Park.
We are always looking for new TERN participants so PLEASE pass the word along to others that might be interested. Group survey activities are a great way to get involved. New and experienced birders are always welcomed and no certifications or training are required to take part in these activities.
New to a TERN survey? We suggest you come prepared with the following:
Water bottle (full)
Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses
Long pants (for walking through tall grass)
Close-toed shoes or hiking boots
Bug spray
Your favorite bird book or reference materials.
Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses
Long pants (for walking through tall grass)
Close-toed shoes or hiking boots
Bug spray
Your favorite bird book or reference materials.
We always have extra binoculars and bird guides, datasheets, as well as water and snacks for the group. Hopefully it will be a nice day but watch the weather and dress accordingly.
We ask that all participants sign up using our on-line registration system. We use this info to email registered participants in case of bad weather or with other late-breaking announcements. You can also checkout the website ( for the latest info.
Sweetwater – First Tuesday of the Month…
This is part of an ongoing survey project in cooperation with the Galveston Bay Foundation
This is part of an ongoing survey project in cooperation with the Galveston Bay Foundation
We meet at the property entrance on 103rd Street in Galveston at 9:00 am and finish up around 12:00 pm.
CLICK HERE to register for the Sweetwater Bird Survey...
CLICK HERE to register for the Sweetwater Bird Survey...
GISP Survey – Second Wednesday of the Month.
This is part of an ongoing survey project in cooperation with the TPWD – Galveston Island State Park. Meet at the Beach-Side Park Headquarters at 9:00 am and we will wrap up around noon.
We will return to the three spots we have been surveying: the beach, “VIP” freshwater ponds/coastal prairie and everyone’s favorite, the birding tower. We will also visit GISP's newly constructed observation platform.
We are always looking for new TERN participants. Please pass the word along to others that might be interested. Group survey activities are a great way to get involved. New and experienced birders are always welcomed!
NEW Group Survey Opportunities…
Many TERN volunteers have enjoyed participating in group surveys at GBF’s Sweetwater property and Galveston Island State Park. These activities provide hands-on experiences with data sheets, surveying techniques, bird identification and much more. Group surveys are a great way to become a part of Audubon TERN’s citizen science monitoring program.
Many TERN volunteers have enjoyed participating in group surveys at GBF’s Sweetwater property and Galveston Island State Park. These activities provide hands-on experiences with data sheets, surveying techniques, bird identification and much more. Group surveys are a great way to become a part of Audubon TERN’s citizen science monitoring program.
Recently, we’ve heard from a number of individuals that say they would enjoy participating in group surveys at additional sites throughout the area. With over 70 locations now being monitored there are several outstanding sites to choose from – not to mention the totally awesome TERN Volunteers working in these areas.
So – beginning this September, we have lined up the following group surveys in addition to those at Sweetwater and GISP.
Thursday - September 24th 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Lafitte’s Cove with Chris Boodley
Thursday - October 22nd 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Texas City Dike with Cindy Leining
Texas City Dike with Cindy Leining
Friday - November 20th 7:00am - 11:00am
Challenger 7 Memorial Park with David Bulliner
Challenger 7 Memorial Park with David Bulliner
Our TERN Volunteer “Hosts” have been surveying these areas for an extended period of time and they will share information on their observations. These individuals will facilitate data collection/recording. We will also have the opportunity to visit other sites in the immediate area.
We are always looking for new TERN participants so PLEASE pass the word along to others that might be interested. New and experienced birders are always welcomed and no certifications or training are required to take part in these activities.
CLICK HERE to register...
We use this info to email registered participants in case of bad weather or with other late-breaking announcements. You can also checkout the website ( for the latest info.
We use this info to email registered participants in case of bad weather or with other late-breaking announcements. You can also checkout the website ( for the latest info.
Rookery Island Workdays…
Beginning in September, Audubon TERN will be scheduling several Rookery Island Workdays. These were highly successful last year and many TERN volunteers have expressed interest in continuing this important effort.
Our goal is to get these workdays scheduled far enough in advance so that volunteers will have ample time to participate. Part of the challenge of advanced planning is that we often rely on our conservation partners for access and oversite of some of these rookeries. Finding dates when everyone is available can be – well let’s just say “difficult.”
The other challenging part of planning workdays is that we typically have very limited space on the few boats we use to haul supplies, materials, plants and trash. As a result, many of our Rookery Island Clean-ups will be by kayak only. At times the weather can be windy and rather unpleasant – so please plan accordingly.
All participants are required to have reviewed, signed and submitted the Audubon TERN Volunteer Documentation before these cleanup activities.
We do have 2 firm dates set for September and October…
Friday - September 25th- Roller Pass Cleanup by Kayak Only
CLICK HERE to register…
Friday - October 16th - Marker 52-Struvy Luci-Jigsaw
Details to be announced.
These activities will begin at 9:00 am with a break at 11:30 for a quick lunch, then ending at 2:00 pm. Volunteers should bring a lunch or large snack. We’ll provide water, chips, cookies, and granola bars.
We suggest participants wear protective clothing, long pants and closed toed shoes. Be sure to bring sunscreen, bug spray and work gloves. Tools and supplies will be provided.
Other tentative dates include…
November 13th – West Bay Bird Island
December 4th or 11th –North Deer Island with Houston Audubon
We will have one more event in October or November at GISP.
More details soon.
Beginning in September, Audubon TERN will be scheduling several Rookery Island Workdays. These were highly successful last year and many TERN volunteers have expressed interest in continuing this important effort.
Our goal is to get these workdays scheduled far enough in advance so that volunteers will have ample time to participate. Part of the challenge of advanced planning is that we often rely on our conservation partners for access and oversite of some of these rookeries. Finding dates when everyone is available can be – well let’s just say “difficult.”
The other challenging part of planning workdays is that we typically have very limited space on the few boats we use to haul supplies, materials, plants and trash. As a result, many of our Rookery Island Clean-ups will be by kayak only. At times the weather can be windy and rather unpleasant – so please plan accordingly.
All participants are required to have reviewed, signed and submitted the Audubon TERN Volunteer Documentation before these cleanup activities.
We do have 2 firm dates set for September and October…
Friday - September 25th- Roller Pass Cleanup by Kayak Only
CLICK HERE to register…
Friday - October 16th - Marker 52-Struvy Luci-Jigsaw
Details to be announced.
These activities will begin at 9:00 am with a break at 11:30 for a quick lunch, then ending at 2:00 pm. Volunteers should bring a lunch or large snack. We’ll provide water, chips, cookies, and granola bars.
We suggest participants wear protective clothing, long pants and closed toed shoes. Be sure to bring sunscreen, bug spray and work gloves. Tools and supplies will be provided.
Other tentative dates include…
November 13th – West Bay Bird Island
December 4th or 11th –North Deer Island with Houston Audubon
We will have one more event in October or November at GISP.
More details soon.
Bird Nerd Series…
We are kicking off our fall TERN Bird Nerd Series Workshops on Saturday, September 12th, 2015 from 9am - 11am at the Texas City Prairie Preserve (4702 Hwy 146 N Texas City TX 77590).
We are kicking off our fall TERN Bird Nerd Series Workshops on Saturday, September 12th, 2015 from 9am - 11am at the Texas City Prairie Preserve (4702 Hwy 146 N Texas City TX 77590).
Coastal Conservation and Habitat Management
Presented by Amanda Hackney
Presented by Amanda Hackney
Audubon TERN has coordinated several outstanding workdays at rookery islands around the Galveston Bay area - and yet so many questions remain...
Why do we plant shrubs?
Why do we hate imported fire ants?
What happens at a rookery island workday?
What kind of research goes on during the non-nesting season?
Can volunteers do anything to help bird conservation?
Don’t miss out on the “nuts and bolts” of rookery island management techniques during this exclusive 2 hour educational program! Amanda will also discuss activities required to “get the nurseries ready” for nesting birds to return in February.
We will also have a calendar of scheduled Island Restoration Workdays for this fall. Participants will be able to sign up at this workshop. Many of these islands are accessible only with special permission by boat or kayak.
This program qualifies for 2 hours of Advanced Training for Master Naturalists.
Limit: 35 participants
Upcoming programs include:
October 3, 2015 – An In-Depth Look at the Reddish Egret
Presented by Rebecca Bracken, Audubon Coastal Associate
Presented by Rebecca Bracken, Audubon Coastal Associate
November 7, 2015 - Plastics and Trash Impacts on Coastal Wildlife…
Presented by Joni Steinhaus - Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Galveston, TX
Presented by Joni Steinhaus - Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Galveston, TX
and Charli Rohack, Wildlife Rehabilitator – Galveston, TX
December 5, 2015 - To be Announced
TPWD - Kayak Safety Training Course...
Texas Parks and Wildlife, in cooperation with Audubon TERN, are pleased to announce the upcoming Kayak Safety Training Course to be held on October 2nd & 9th from 1 – 5pm. This 2-day course will be taught by Lisa Reznicek, Galveston Island Park Park Interpreter.
Texas Parks and Wildlife, in cooperation with Audubon TERN, are pleased to announce the upcoming Kayak Safety Training Course to be held on October 2nd & 9th from 1 – 5pm. This 2-day course will be taught by Lisa Reznicek, Galveston Island Park Park Interpreter.
Following is a summary provided by Lisa…
Location: Galveston Island State Park
Time: Friday, October 2nd and October 9th from 1-5pm
Limit: 10 Participants
Assessment Overview: This TPWD Assessment Course is designed to evaluate a participant’s ability to perform all of the skills listed along with demonstrating an appropriate level of knowledge. This assessment course provides the participant with the opportunity to receive documentation of having achieved a certain level of paddling ability.
Upon successful completion of the skills assessment the participant is eligible to lead approved kayaking programs at Galveston Island State Park for a period of one year from assessment. After one year the participant must complete a review and update with a certified kayak instructor for the specific location.
If the participant wishes to teach in multiple locations they must complete a review of the emergency action plan and specific site details with the on-site certified instructor.
For additional information please contact:
Lisa Jeane Reznicek, Park Interpreter
Galveston Island State Park
Park number: (409) 737-1222
Galveston Island State Park
Park number: (409) 737-1222
Seabird Patrol...
Audubon TERN is preparing for the upcoming challenges associated with injured and sick seabirds at key fishing locations and piers on Galveston Island. This effort, which began last year, is in collaboration with the Wildlife Center of Texas and Charli Rohack, a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator located in Galveston.
Last year, formation of the Seabird Patrol provided an incredible opportunity for volunteers to help address these issues and possibly get sick and entangled birds the help they need to increase their chances of being fully rehabilitated and released back to the wild!
Sea Bird Patrol will again play a large role in locating these sick and injured birds and getting them the medical care they need in a safe manner, without risk to the volunteer or wildlife. Volunteering for Sea Bird Patrols will involve regular monitoring of sites where seabirds typically show up.
The top two components of Sea Bird Patrol include:
1) Patrolling designated areas to look for and report seabirds that may be entangled in fishing line/debris, sick, or otherwise injured. Then to assist in collection and transportation to the wildlife rehabilitator AND...
2) Small clean-ups and other projects as needed.
All Seabird Patrol participants are required to participate in a brief training and overview session (to be scheduled in November).
As you can see, this fall will be a busy one for Audubon TERN Volunteers. We will continue to update this information with email announcements and regular posts to our website (
As you can see, this fall will be a busy one for Audubon TERN Volunteers. We will continue to update this information with email announcements and regular posts to our website (
We hope you will take part in these terrific opportunities to help preserve and protect our coastal habitat.
If you require any additional information about these activities please contact us at your convenience.
Thanks for all you do!
Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext.104
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext.104