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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Upcoming November Events & Activities...

We have a great line-up of programs for November!
For all of these events we ask that participants sign up using our on-line registration system. We use this info to help plan and coordinate activities AND to email registered participants in case of bad weather or with other late-breaking announcements. You can also checkout the website ( for the latest info.

Group Bird Surveys:
Group surveys are a great way to get involved and meet new TERN participants.  New and experienced birders are always welcome, and no certifications or trainings are required to take part in these activities.

Sweetwater – Tuesday, November 3rd at 9am.  

GISP – Wednesday, November 11th at 9am.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Challenger 7 Memorial Park – Friday, November 20th at 9am**.  
The address for this park is: 2301 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598.  Please meet in the main parking lot.This site has been monitored by David Bulliner and is a good place to find ducks, herons and egrets, and even kingfishers!  Please join us for this great opportunity.

**Please note the time change for this event.  

As with all surveys, please bring water, a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, long pants, closed-toed shoes, bug spray, binoculars, and your favorite bird book.

Clean-up and Restoration Days:
 We have 3 great opportunities to participate in shoreline, rookery island, and state park clean-ups this month!

West Bay Bird Island Workday – Friday, November 13th 9am-2pm.  

We will meet at the San Luis Pass County Park, 14001 County Rd 257, Freeport, TX 77541.
This work day will be by boat only.  Currently, registration is open for 13 people, so please register soon!  There will be a waitlist should we have any cancelations.  
**Please bring a refillable water bottle, marsh booties/shoes that will stay on your feet, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and bug spray, work gloves, and a sack lunch.  Additional water, snacks, trash bags, gloves, and grabbers will be provided.  Additionally, it is recommended that all participants watch the TERN safety video posted on the Audubon TERN website.

Bolivar Peninsula clean-up – Monday, November 16th 9am-2pm 

In coordination with Keep Bolivar Beautiful, we will be completing a clean-up on Bolivar Peninsula.  We will meet at the Bolivar Ferry Landing parking lot, and will be cleaning up the wetlands that are few hundred yards from the lot.  This clean-up is open to participants of all ages!

**Please bring water, closed-toed shoes with non-slip soles, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and bug spray, work gloves, and a sack lunch.  Additional water will be provided, along with snacks, gloves, grabbers, and trash bags.

GISP Clean-up by kayak – Tuesday, November 17th 9am-2pm  

**This is a kayak only event.  Please bring your kayak, and meet at the GISP kayak/boat launch.  Please bring water in a refillable bottle, marsh boots, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and bug spray, gloves, and a sack lunch.  Additional water and snacks will be provided, along with gloves, grabbers, and trash bags.

Bird Nerd Lecture Series:
 Saturday, November 7th 9am-11am at the Texas City Prairie Preserve (4702 Hwy 146 North, Texas City, TX 77590)

November’s Bird Nerd features Charli Rohack and Joanie Steinhaus.  Joanie is the associate campaign director for the Turtle Island Restoration Network in Galveston, and Charli a wildlife rehabilitator currently based in Galveston.  As a follow-up to last year’s program on the same topic, Joanie will focus on plastics and land-based trash in the watershed, and Charli will discuss participation in Seabird Patrol.  Don’t miss this special opportunity to find out how you can get involved!

Coming in December:
Finally, December will be here before we know it!  Mark your calendars for the upcoming December events (additional information to come soon).

Bird Nerd Lecture Series – Saturday, December 5th.  Scott Buckel will be teaching us all about nature and wildlife photography, and then we will head outside to practice!

Sweetwater survey – Tuesday, December 1st
GISP survey – Wednesday, December 9th

North Deer Island workday – Friday, December 4th

We are always looking for new TERN participants.  Please pass the word along to others that might be interested in any of these events/activities.  New and experienced birders are always welcome, and no training or certifications are required.  For more information, please contact the TERN office:

Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590