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Friday, November 20, 2015

December Events!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our volunteers!

We have a great set of December events.  Take a look below!

North Deer Island Clean-up

Friday, December 4th, 9am – 2pm
Meet at the Tiki Island boat ramp. 

This is our last clean-up for the fall!!  And it is a big one!  We have multiple boats from partners heading out with us, so we can currently take 18 people.  Please take advantage of the nice weather we’ve been having and join us!  We will also be heading out to several of the other islands in the area, so this is a great opportunity to visit several of our local rookery islands!  While the birds aren’t nesting right now, we have been seeing a number of different species on these islands.

And, if we’ve timed it just right, we might also be able to collect seeds from some of the island plants!

Please bring water in a refillable bottle, marsh boots, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and bug spray, gloves, and a sack lunch.  Additional water and snacks will be provided, along with gloves, grabbers, and trash bags.  Please be prepared for the weather conditions.  It has been nice and warm recently, but be aware that the water may be cold!

Bird Nerd  - Nature Photography with Scott Buckel

 The December Bird Nerd is fast approaching!

Scott Buckel will be coming to discuss nature photography.  He will cover strategies and approaches that you can use to capture different types of nature photos.  This includes not only birds, but also other forms of nature photography in general.  Following at 30/45 minute presentation, we will head outside to practice our new skills!  Please bring your camera!  No camera, no worries!  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Scott is a professional bird and nature photographer, and is a Texas Master Naturalist with the Galveston Bay Area Chapter.  Please check out his website at for more information!

Saturday, December 5th, 9am – 11am
Texas City Prairie Preserve, 4702 Hwy 146 North, Texas City, TX 77590

Group Bird Surveys
Sweetwater – Tuesday, December 1st at 9am.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
GISP – Wednesday, December 9th at 9am.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

As with all surveys, please bring water, a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, long pants, closed-toed shoes, bug spray, binoculars, and your favorite bird book.

Group surveys are a great way to get involved and meet new TERN participants.  New and experienced birders are always welcome, and no certifications or trainings are required to take part in these activities.

We are always looking for new TERN participants.  Please pass the word along to others that might be interested in either of these events.  New and experienced birders are always welcome, and no training or certifications are required.  For more information, please contact the TERN office:

Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext 104