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Friday, January 8, 2016

Bolivar Wetland Cleanup, Thursday - January 28, 2016

On Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016, Keep Bolivar Beautiful (KBB), Texas Estuarine Resource Network (TERN) and Galveston Bay Area Chapter-Texas Master Naturalist (GBAC -TMN) will team up to host another cleanup of the Bolivar wetland area across from the Bolivar Lighthouse.

Water borne plastic accumulates at this location. Here your actions can prevent plastic from entering the Gulf and harming wildlife.

Before we begin the cleanup, this time we will document the birds and wildlife that utilize this area for food, shelter and/or roosting.

During the 11/16/15 cleanup, we collected 64 bags of litter, but we didn't cover adjacent areas. The adjacent areas will be the initial focus for the 1/28/16 cleanup.

As in the 11/16/15 cleanup TERN is providing registration, supplies, bulk water and snacks, GBAC-TMN coordination, and KBB, pickup arrangements. These organizations and, hopefully others, will provide volunteers.

1/28/16 Schedule:

8:00 am meet at Bolivar Ferry Parking lot for bird/wildlife survey.

9:00 am meet at Bolivar Ferry Parking lot for cleanup

1:00 - 1:30 pm begin wrap up cleanup

2:00 pm approximate departure

Dress for the weather, and bring gloves, snacks and water/drinks.

To participate, CLICK HERE to register...

Hope to see you there!

Kari Howard
4702 Hwy 146 North