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Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year to All!

We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe end of year! We took some time to be grateful for all that was accomplished in 2015 and are ready to see what 2016 has for us! We have several events to kick off the new year!

Monthly Group Bird Surveys

First Tuesday of Every Month...
Tuesday, January 5th 9am to noon 
Sweetwater Survey (Galveston Bay Foundation property) 
We meet at the property entrance on 103rd Street in Galveston at 9:00 am and finish up around 12:00 pm. NOTE: Due to the recent rains and muddy conditions, we recommend rain boots or even waders, particularly for the fresh water ponds survey site for tomorrow. 

CLICK HERE to register for the Sweetwater Bird Survey...

Second Wednesday of Every Month...
Wednesday, January 13th from 9am to noon 
Galveston Island State Park Survey 
We meet at the State Park Head Quarters beachside at 9:00am and finish up around 12:00pm

New to a TERN survey? We suggest you come prepared with the following:

Water bottle (full)
Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses
Long pants (for walking through tall grass)
Close-toed shoes or hiking boots
Bug spray
Your favorite bird book or reference materials.

We always have extra binoculars and bird guides, datasheets, as well as water and snacks for the group. We always hope for a nice day but watch the weather and dress accordingly.

Restoration Workdays for January

January 5th 2016 1pm-4pm at Texas City Prairie Preserve: Restoration Workday- we will be building wood tables for the College of the Mainland greenhouse here at the prairie and then using the Audubon truck to transport the tables to the college

 January 15th 2016  9am-2pm at Texas City Prairie Preserve: Restoration Workday- we will be doing a variety of projects which include painting black skimmer decoys, building monofilament recycling tubes, and packing up our shed to move to the new storage unit (bring a sandwich- Audubon will provide chips, cookies, and water for this event!)

We ask that all participants sign up using our on-line registration system. We use this info to email registered participants in case of bad weather or with other late-breaking announcements. You can also checkout the website ( for the latest info.  If you have any questions about the activities or the workday schedules, please let me know. 

Kari Howard
4702 Hwy 146 North