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Monday, September 28, 2015

Reddish Egret Program Reminder...

Just a quick reminder about this Saturday’s upcoming program on the Reddish Egret, presented by Rebecca Bracken. Rebecca has spent several years studying Reddish Egrets while completing her master’s degree, and will discuss topics to include:

What is a reddish egret?
Why is the reddish egret so alluring?
Why are there so few reddish egrets? 

Historically, what happened to them?
What is their current conservation status?
What research is currently being conducted?
How you can get involved!

This last topic (How you can get involved) will include initial discussions on creating a citizen science, volunteer monitoring program, to assist in collecting valuable nesting/habitat data.

WHAT: An In-Depth Look at the Reddish Egret
WHO: Presented by Rebecca Bracken
WHEN: Saturday, October 3rd, 2015  9:00am – 11:00am
WHERE: Texas City Prairie Preserve

2 hours of Advanced Training (for Master Naturalist)
Limit: 35 participants

To register CLICK HERE!!

We are always looking for new TERN participants. Please pass the word along to others that might be interested. New and experienced birders are always welcomed and no training or certifications are required. For more information please contact the TERN Office.

Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX  77590
409-941-9114 ext.104