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Monday, November 9, 2015

TERN Training - Rockport

Apologies for the short notice, but there will be a TERN training this Saturday in Rockport! This is a free class, open to the public to learn more about herons, egrets, spoonbills, ibis, and many other bird species.

The Coastal Program launched the T.E.R.N. citizen science program to collect valuable data on colonial waterbird species (herons, egrets, spoonbills, terns, ibis, and skimmers).  This workshop will introduce the T.E.R.N program, discuss the value of data collection to scientists, provide an overview of the waterbird species and feeding behaviors, and teach participants how to conduct monitoring and fill out survey sheets.  After the conclusion of the presentation, there will be time to head outside and practice filling out data sheets.

Saturday, November 14th in Rockport, 9am-12pm
Hampton Inn and Suites, 3677 Highway 35 North, Rockport, TX 78382
Time: 9am to 12:00pm
Limit: 25 participants per day
Presenter: Rebecca Bracken, Audubon Texas Coastal Program Associate

Please bring your binoculars for the outside portion.  We will have a few extra pairs as well.  Coffee, water, and snacks will be provided.

We are always looking for new TERN participants.  Please pass the word along to others that might be interested this training.  New and experienced birders are always welcome.  For more information, please contact the TERN office:

Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590
409-941-9114 ext 104