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Monday, November 9, 2015

UPDATE!! - GISP Clean-up

The GISP clean-up has been changed!  We will now complete this event by foot instead of by kayak.  Join us for this great clean-up opportunity!

GISP Clean-up
When: Tuesday, November 17th 
Time: 9am-2pm  
Please meet at the GISP visitor center.  Please bring water in a refillable bottle, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and bug spray, gloves, and a sack lunch.  Additional water and snacks will be provided, along with gloves, grabbers, and trash bags.


We are always looking for new TERN participants.  Please pass the word along to others that might be interested in this event.  New and experienced birders are always welcome, and no training or certifications are required.  For more information, please contact the TERN office:

Audubon TERN
4702 Hwy 146 North
Texas City, TX 77590